This apparatus helps measure blood pressure and act as baroreceptors. Since every nephron has its own Polkissen apparatus it’s like every nephron has a small endocrine system with it. If the blood flow is decreased this apparatus starts releasing renin. This apparatus has the ability to measure blood flow when blood flow to nephron is decreased. Polkissen is a special apparatus which is made of modified afferent arteriolar smooth muscles. Its release is influenced by pressure change and Na+ change. Renin is an enzyme produced by kidney, (juxtaglomerular apparatus) in response to poor blood flow and decreased blood pressure. For instance, if a patient has hemorrhage, this system gets activated and helps maintain blood pressure and blood volume. Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System is one of the most important physiological systems which does a lot of functions but its most important function is blood pressure regulation. Master Medical Sciences with crystal clear concepts.ĭefinition of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System
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